Docker installation not working

Home Forums Installing MintHCM Docker installation not working

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  • #2833

    Hi Team,

    I used the docker-compose file available in the git repo.

    When running ‘docker-compose up’ I am able to go the site and see the login screen showing LBL_MINT4_AUTH_LOGIN_TITLE, ERROR! LBL_MINT4_AUTH_LOGIN_ERROR

    After examining the docker logs I noticed the installation has failed.

    First error:
    At installing system core I see the error “chmod: cannot read directory ‘./legacy’: Permission denied”
    followed by a HTML page.

    The installation continues and after Setting Up file permissions is see the same error.

    At the Reindexing Elastic stage i get a bunch of PHP warnings, followed by a fatal php error:

    PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function convert() on null in /var/www/MintHCM/legacy/modules/OAuth2Tokens/OAuth2Tokens.php:134
    Error: MintHCM installation failed – please check logs

    • This topic was modified 1 week, 3 days ago by peteres.
    • This topic was modified 1 week, 3 days ago by peteres.

    I took a look at the repo and noticed the docker installation always pulls the latest code from github.

    Maybe it is better to start using release branches and configure the docker setup in such a way you can specify which version you want to install.
    That way if the master branch is failing for some reason, you’re always able to go ahead and install a previous version.


    PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function convert() on null in /var/www/MintHCM/legacy/modules/OAuth2Tokens/OAuth2Tokens.php:134

    after some digging around if found out this error occurs because the $db is null indicating the database is not connected.
    I mentioned there is a html page in the install log, indeed asking for a database name.

    I have a DB_NAME in my .env file and the content of that var also ends up in configMint4 file. I wonder why this is not used by the installer


    Finally found the issue: Database connection could not be made..

    However, this means the install command is buggy and should have stopped at the database connection step. It didnt detect the database/database server wasnt available

    • This reply was modified 1 week, 2 days ago by peteres.

    That’s strange — I installed it twice yesterday using Docker for Windows without any issues. The installation completed successfully both times. I agree that the process should have stopped earlier if something was wrong, but I’m not sure why the database connection failed.

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