[solved] Stuck installation

Home Forums Installing MintHCM [solved] Stuck installation

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  • #1411
    Andro ConfAndro Conf

    Hello! Several times I have tried to install mintchm locally, but when going from the basic configuration screen of the database and the data of the administrator user, the following screen appears with the word “installing”. At this point, he is stuck in the process called “creating a relationship” … and from there he does not proceed. I have waited many minutes, but at the end, it does not go beyond this phase. This is the link to the capture: https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/16034868/102019573-5da0a880-3d9a-11eb-8252-891a85b08db6.png

    Can you tell me what to do? Thank you very much, as I need to implement it soon.



    We need more information to help you.
    What’s your version of PHP and data base?

    Best regards!

    Andro ConfAndro Conf

    Hello! Thanks for answering. I have installed XAMPP 7.1.1-0-VC14 32bits (Apache, MariaDB, PHP). I have installed different versions of XAMPP, but according to the recommendation, I left this version.


    Maybe here you’ll find solution: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49095673/mysql-change-charset-collation-prevented-by-error-1071-specified-key-was-too

    Let us know if it works.
    Best regards!

    Andro ConfAndro Conf

    Hello! Please, can you explain to me step by step what I should do? I can’t solve the problem. Thanks.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by Andro ConfAndro Conf.
    Andro ConfAndro Conf

    Hello! Please, can you explain to me step by step what I should do? I can’t solve the problem. Thanks.

    Step 2 of 2

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by Andro ConfAndro Conf.


    We are working right now on the new version which will help with this problem. It should be soon! We will share the code at our Github profile as soon as possible. We will inform everyone here when it is ready.

    Andro ConfAndro Conf


    Great news. I congratulate the initiative and the work to build a free and comfortable HCM system for all. Thanks.

    I am currently contributing progressively with the Spanish translation.


    • This reply was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by Andro ConfAndro Conf.

    Wow! That’s great – thanks a lot!

    Samar YassinSamar Yassin

    I have the same issue , is there any solution?

    Andro ConfAndro Conf

    Hello! Unfortunately not. You are currently working on solving this problem in the next version. I’m still waiting too.


    The new version is in progress. We have started tests of the new release.


    Hello everyone!

    The 3.1.1 version of MintHCM System has been released!

    Check it out here: https://minthcm.org/download/


    Attempting to install version 3.1.1. Site PHP is 7.1. MySQL is Database client version: libmysql – 5.6.43. Even on 3.1.1 I have this same issue. Setup configures relationships ok, then hangs on “Create Database…” I let it run for several hours today and it never moved forward. It creates 3 tables in the database, then stalls. I have turned on zlib. I have turned off printing of the “notice” and “warning” errors. Please advise.


    Turned error reporting back on to see where the hangup is, get the following:
    “Sat Mar 12 01:57:31 2022 [19099][-none-][FATAL] Error creating table: leads: Query Failed: CREATE TABLE leads (id char(36) NOT NULL ,date_entered datetime NULL ,date_modified datetime NULL ,modified_user_id char(36) NULL ,created_by char(36) NULL ,description text NULL ,deleted bool DEFAULT ‘0’ NULL ,assigned_user_id char(36) NULL ,salutation varchar(255) NULL ,first_name varchar(100) NULL ,last_name varchar(100) NULL ,title varchar(100) NULL ,photo varchar(255) NULL ,department varchar(100) NULL ,do_not_call bool DEFAULT ‘0’ NULL ,phone_home varchar(100) NULL ,phone_mobile varchar(100) NULL ,phone_work varchar(100) NULL ,phone_other varchar(100) NULL ,phone_fax varchar(100) NULL ,lawful_basis text(100) NULL ,date_reviewed date NULL ,lawful_basis_source varchar(100) NULL ,primary_address_street varchar(150) NULL ,primary_address_city varchar(100) NULL ,primary_address_state varchar(100) NULL ,primary_address_postalcode varchar(20) NULL ,primary_address_country varchar(255) NULL ,alt_address_street varchar(150) NULL ,alt_address_city varchar(100) NULL ,alt_address_state varchar(100) NULL ,alt_address_postalcode varchar(20) NULL ,alt_address_country varchar(255) NULL ,assistant varchar(75) NULL ,assistant_phone varchar(100) NULL ,converted bool DEFAULT ‘0’ NULL ,refered_by varchar(100) NULL ,lead_source varchar(100) NULL ,lead_source_description text NULL ,status varchar(100) NULL ,status_description text NULL ,reports_to_id char(36) NULL ,account_name varchar(255) NULL ,account_description text NULL ,contact_id char(36) NULL ,account_id char(36) NULL ,opportunity_id char(36) NULL ,opportunity_name varchar(255) NULL ,opportunity_amount varchar(50) NULL ,campaign_id char(36) NULL ,birthdate date NULL ,portal_name varchar(255) NULL ,portal_app varchar(255) NULL ,website varchar(255) NULL , PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY idx_lead_acct_name_first (account_name(190), deleted), KEY idx_lead_last_first (last_name, first_name, deleted), KEY idx_lead_del_stat (last_name, status, deleted, first_name), KEY idx_lead_opp_del (opportunity_id, deleted), KEY idx_leads_acct_del (account_id, deleted), KEY idx_del_user (deleted, assigned_user_id), KEY idx_lead_assigned (assigned_user_id), KEY idx_lead_contact (contact_id), KEY idx_reports_to (reports_to_id), KEY idx_lead_phone_work (phone_work), KEY idx_leads_id_del (id, deleted)) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci: MySQL error 1071: Specified key was too long; max key length is 1000 bytes”

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