Release 3.1.5



Bug fix: During the opening of the meeting creation window and employee search, a staff member and a private group are displayed

Exclude the display of private groups during employee search

Bug fix: Ability to add working hours when the worked time is not equal to the specified dates

The worked time updates when date changes

Bug fix: Fast filtering in the module clears the displayed column settings

Columns remain in the order set by the user

Bug fix: Inability to approve a work plan when an authorized absence is selected

Allow the approval of a work plan when an authorized absence occurs on the selected day

Bug fix: Creating a user by pressing the Enter key

Pressing Enter creates a valid record of a new user in the system

Bug fix: Remove loading JS from external servers

Bug fix: Incorrect functioning of added users for bulk meeting creation

Users are added to all meetings when created cyclically

Bug fix: Fixes for positions and organizational units

Organizational units connect to “Belongs to”; associated users receive the organization to which the position belongs

Feature added: User does not have access to the Calendar but has a dashboard

A message about lack of access gets displayed

Feature added: Week number in the calendar

The week number is also displayed next to the date

Feature added: Files module

Adding a new module displayed as a subpanel where the user can upload, download, and delete files

Feature added: Requirement to fill in the workplace field

Set the workplace field as required for office work

Feature added: Ability to close trainings from the subpanel level

Ability to close all trainings at once from the subpanel

Feature added: Logo and stylistic fixes in the form

Feature added: Changing the restriction of adding working hours to the previous month

Extending the possibility of self-approval and addition of working hours to 11 hours

Feature added: Optimization of user retrieval through Utils functions

Feature added: Changing work plan descriptions

When Occasional Leave is selected, the conditional field „Type of Compassionate Leave” appears instead of „Type of Occasional Leave”

Feature added: Styles: Margin and padding fixes

Feature added: Fix for MariaDB executed by MintHCM community member. Thank you, Kevin!