4.0.0 does not go to install page

Home Forums Installing MintHCM 4.0.0 does not go to install page

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  • #2146
    Philipo RuzigePhilipo Ruzige

    Hello Team,

    Am installing MintHCM 4.0.1

    Am getting mint HCM is succesfull installed go ahead and login as adminstrator.

    But when i go to login the installation goes bback to SETTING UP BASIC CONFIGURATION

    Please assist


    Hello, we’ve just released the docker image for MintHC:

    Philipo, please try the other way to install MintHCM with docker.

    Philipo RuzigePhilipo Ruzige

    Thanks for a reply.

    i don’t have complete control over the server as am just using a shared hosting plan, So i guess i cannot install docker

    is there any other way around to install on SHARED HOSTING ? .

    Server “: Apache
    PHP: 8

    Best Regards


    It looks like a problem with the database settings. Could you check for any database errors in the legacy/minthcm.log file? If there are no errors, please ensure that your database is compatible.

    Could you send information about your PHP version?
    Is it version 8.0 or 8.2? It’s important to note that we do not support PHP version 8.2, and this could be the root cause of the problem.

    The more information you can provide about your server, the better we’ll be able to assist you.

    Philipo RuzigePhilipo Ruzige

    Mariadb 10.4.31
    Php 8.0
    Apache web ebserver

    Problem i think is with database. I cant locate mintcmh.log in legacy folder but

    Install.log says

    2023-12-19 12:05:01…Begin DB Check Process ************* 2023-12-19 12:05:01…testing with mysql:mysqli 2023-12-19 12:05:01…Basic form info is valid, continuing Process. 2023-12-19 12:05:01…Testing user account… 2023-12-19 12:05:01…Connection made using host: sdb-k.hosting.stackcp.net, usr: mintuser_1 2023-12-19 12:05:02…ERROR: Cannot create writable dir cache/upload/import 2023-12-19 12:05:02…installerHook: Info: custom/install/install_hooks.php not present, no custom hooks to execute 2023-12-19 12:05:02…calling handleSugarConfig() 2023-12-19 12:05:03…calling handleHtaccess() 2023-12-19 12:05:03…calling handleDbCreateDatabase()

    I created a database, i created a database user and give all privileges😥😥

    Idont even know what to do with db


    This line could be the problem?
    ERROR: Cannot create writable dir cache/upload/import


    Please make sure you set the correct file permissions via SSH as detailed in the Installation Guide: https://minthcm.org/support/minthcm-installation-guide/

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 2 months ago by minthcmadmin.
    Philipo RuzigePhilipo Ruzige

    I kept on getting the error. As it is shared hosting , i have decided to install MIntCmh On our office Windows Server and then, due to security concerns i will not open any ports on my router,rather i will setup an OPEN VPN aacces server in the machine and setup client machine for the remote workers so they could oacces MintCMH via VPN tunnel instead of exp9sing my mint to the public internet.

    How about that? Any advice?


    MintHCM is compatible in a local environment with VPN connectivity. For an optimal user experience, we strongly recommend utilizing the Linux operating system.


    $ sudo a2enmod rewrite
    $ sudo a2enmod headers
    $ sudo service apache2 restart


    Hello Cenkgover!
    Could you please provide more context?


    I’ve managed to get it working, using the provided Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml instead of my own.

    I noticed that a faulty install only shows 3 or 4 items, while a truly successful one shows like 10. So it’s easy to detect when it’s successful, and thus does not go back to the installation. This means that something goes wrong during step 3 or 4, and then skips the rest. What this step does, should give insights about what is failing.

    It could be that everybody has different problems here. So please share how many steps were shown.

    Desmon KingDesmon King

    Hello team,
    I have installed 4.0.2 but facing the exact same issue; it could be due to .htaccess file i believe, could any one help with how the .htaccess should look if i am to create one?

    Thank you

    Desmon KingDesmon King

    Later Figured it out with .htaccess, not i am stuck on “Database configuration” page,
    I keep getting ERROR! Database connection failed.

    For some reason root is failing to login to the database


    Could you please let us know which database you’re trying to connect to?
    Making sure your database and login details are correct will help us fix the issue.

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