Releases archive



  1. Addressed .htaccess File Issues: We’ve resolved issues related to the .htaccess file, ensuring a seamless and error-free installation process.
  2. Additional Validations for Permissions and PHP Version: MintHCM 4.1 now includes extra validations to check permissions and PHP version compatibility, providing you with a more secure and reliable system.
  3. Enhanced Compatibility Across Environments: We’ve worked to enhance MintHCM’s compatibility, making it optimized to work seamlessly in an even broader range of environments. Your MintHCM experience just got more versatile!
  4. Installer Auto-Indexing into ElasticSearch: The installer in MintHCM 4.1 is now equipped to autonomously index records into ElasticSearch, streamlining the process and saving you valuable time.
  5. Auto-population of SiteURL Option: We’ve added a convenient feature that auto-populates the SiteURL option whenever possible, simplifying the configuration process for you.


NOTICE: due to a number of installation issues reported by the community we advise to skip to the 4.0.1 update.

Bug fix: Shared calendar
The setting does not disappear after switching between weeks
Bug fix: Installation script
Default values „no” are no longer interpreter as „yes”
Bug fix: Dashboard
Closing meetings from the dashboard refreshes only the dashlet, instead of the entire page
Bug fix: Fixed display of dates on the list view
Bug fix: Filter by date on lists enables. It is now possible to
Filter by the „Date modified” parameter
Bug fix: Sorting by flex relate field enabled
Bug fix: Projects
Fixed label on the „View Project List” button
Bug fix: Resources calendar
The module now displays correctly
Bug fix: Improved display of time in UTC time zone
Bug fix: Dashlet settings
Displayed and hidden columns no longer cover other settings
Bug fix: Subpanels
Added arrows for pagination in subpanels, misaligned text fixed
Bug fix: Filters in modules
Improved list of filters available in modules
Bug fix: Improvement of apostrophes for Elasticsearch List View
Bug fix: Candidature Quick Create
If record results in blank page, redirect back to Candidate
Bug fix: SubPanelDeleteButton no longer causes a redirection error. The record deletes itself while the subpanel refreshes
Bug fix: Support for sorting 95% columns in Elasticsearch List View. Records get sorted correctly
Bug fix: Activities subpanel
Labels for actions buttons fixed
Bug fix: Saving meeting
Proper selection of participants and seamless meeting savings
Bug fix: Missing menus in standard modules
Restoration of menu in Candidates and Candidatures
Bug fix: Resorted menu in Administration module
Bug fix: Deleting a record from the list view enabled
Bug fix: Empty fields of currency type filled with ‘0.00’ values
Bug fix: Candidates
The value of the Country filed can now be set
Feature added: Upgrade of MintHCM customizations to a higher version of Elasticsearch 7.x
Feature added: Returning Elasticsearch data to the frontend. ElasticSearch does not return the entire indexed record, but only fields that are defined as available or occur in filters on eslistviewdefs.
Feature added: Elasticsearch permissions
Agllowing access for users with appropriate Security Group permissions
Feature added: User avatar photo
If the user has the photo field set, it displays the avatar in the top bar. When there is no photo system displays mdi-account by default
Feature added: Adding ACLs
Feature added: Adding support for LDAP
Feature added: Rebuilding and checking links in administration view
Feature added: New dashlet and calendar view for MintHCM core version
Feature added: Upgrade tinyMCE and add new SugarField
Feature added: Adding Owner and Group permissions to global search
Feature added: Changing the menu on the left side and the grid to not display all modules, only those that are set
Feature added: Installation script
The script asks if the user wants to compilate/rebuild the interface
Feature added: New MintHCM popup
Feature added: Logging smarty errors and eliminating several View Tools comments
Feature added: Removing a few legacy modules from Elasticsearch
Feature added: Notifications
Mass read and delete. Clicking on a notification closes the list of notifications
Feature added: Mass actions on lists. You can now use mass actions such as delete or merge in the last view
Feature added: Email password reminder. New feature in case the user does not remember their password
Feature added: Filtering on lists and ability to define changes in the studio
Ability to change column filtering on the list view
Feature added: New Menu view
Feature added: Displaying values in multienum fields and filters
Feature added: Building a mapping file as a step during rebuilding process
Feature added: Sorting by enum and multi enum
First added: First login
After logging in, the user can set preferences for date format, numeric separators time zone etc.


Bug fix: During the opening of the meeting creation window and employee search, a staff member and a private group are displayed

Exclude the display of private groups during employee search

Bug fix: Ability to add working hours when the worked time is not equal to the specified dates

The worked time updates when date changes

Bug fix: Fast filtering in the module clears the displayed column settings

Columns remain in the order set by the user

Bug fix: Inability to approve a work plan when an authorized absence is selected

Allow the approval of a work plan when an authorized absence occurs on the selected day

Bug fix: Creating a user by pressing the Enter key

Pressing Enter creates a valid record of a new user in the system

Bug fix: Remove loading JS from external servers

Bug fix: Incorrect functioning of added users for bulk meeting creation

Users are added to all meetings when created cyclically

Bug fix: Fixes for positions and organizational units

Organizational units connect to “Belongs to”; associated users receive the organization to which the position belongs

Feature added: User does not have access to the Calendar but has a dashboard

A message about lack of access gets displayed

Feature added: Week number in the calendar

The week number is also displayed next to the date

Feature added: Files module

Adding a new module displayed as a subpanel where the user can upload, download, and delete files

Feature added: Requirement to fill in the workplace field

Set the workplace field as required for office work

Feature added: Ability to close trainings from the subpanel level

Ability to close all trainings at once from the subpanel

Feature added: Logo and stylistic fixes in the form

Feature added: Changing the restriction of adding working hours to the previous month

Extending the possibility of self-approval and addition of working hours to 11 hours

Feature added: Optimization of user retrieval through Utils functions

Feature added: Changing work plan descriptions

When Occasional Leave is selected, the conditional field „Type of Compassionate Leave” appears instead of „Type of Occasional Leave”

Feature added: Styles: Margin and padding fixes

Feature added: Fix for MariaDB executed by MintHCM community member. Thank you, Kevin!


Bug fix: Allow editing of related groups for a record that can be edited

You can pin and unpin SGs through the subpanel when I have permission to edit the parent record

Bug fix: Corrections related to hiding “More” and the number of tabs displayed

When there are three modules, then “more” is not displayed, because there is no need for it

Bug fix: Disable autocomplete of password and username in user profile

Bug fix: Fix bookmark titles and “Recently Viewed/Favorites”

Bug fix: Improved time recording format

Time is recorded in hours and minutes, not fractions

Bug fix: Additional date filtering options

Filters appear on the filtering view in the list view: previous week, this week, next week, past, future, last x days, next x days

Bug fix: Add internal recruitment

In the Candidates module, modify the current Candidates relationship to a flexible relationship related to candidate and employee

User Story Bug: Inability to add an employee to an additional unit

The ability to add an employee who is in one unit to another without overwriting the first department

User Story Bug: Secure cookies from XSS attack

In case of an XSS attack, such cookies will be impossible to read for the attacker

User Story Bug: No photos in the room module

Visibility of the photo when you enter the room module

User Story Bug: Users disappear during meeting edits

During edits, participants no longer disappear from the meeting after signing up and continuing

User Story Bug: Creating Onboarding tasks does not give a group

The tasks of a new employee have a group of the HR supervisor and the new employee to see them in his list

User Story Bug: No notifications about open work plans

The system informs about unclosed work plans

User Story Bug: Training in the “Element” field does not have a link to the Onbaording/Offboarding

User Story Bug: Removal of employee field

Changed label “responsible person” to “implemented by”

User Story Bug: Studio problems

Fixing “add field” and “edit labels” buttons in Studio and Module Builder

User Story Bug: Improving the width of the labels

Changing the clipping of the markings in the side so that they fit without problems

User Story Bug: Improved filtering

Language-appropriate labels show up

User Story Bug: Organizational units looping

Blocking the possibility to create a loop between records when there is a possibility to create a relationship to itself for the modules Organizational units and Positions

User Story Bug: Date and time fields pop’up

Fields line up one after the other or date and time next to each other

User Story Bug: Change of e-mail notifications about record assignment

Receiving messages with information from which module the record is from

User Story Bug: Improving the name of a label that has a technical name

Displaying a column with the correct name


User Story Bug: Optimization of dashlet loading

Dashlets on the page display immediately, without loaded data, adding dashlet loading, asynchronous dashlet loading

User Story Bug: Ability to accept approved work plans

Leader can accept plans even if Work Plan is already approved

User Story Bug: Icon alignment at different resolutions

Improving the display of icons in the upper right corner

User Story Bug: Improved organizational structure

Adding a full screen icon and improving first load

User Story Bug: Rebuilding the Work Schedule Manager component

Dashlet compliant with the latest HTML standards

User Story Bug: Changes in the Candidates module (kanban)

Improvement of the structure in the Candidates module, removal of unnecessary statuses and reordering of fields

Bug fix: Improving the Candidate/Applications relationship etiquette

Changing the etiquette form Candidate to Applications

Bug fix: Mass approval of the work plan

Setting the appropriate time zones for the approval to succeed

Bug fix: News notification

Receive notification when news is published

Bug fix: Creating onboarding from the employee level

A pop-up appears where you can make onboarding or offboarding

Bug fix: Meetings, search bug for people to add to the meeting

You can search and add records to a meeting

Bug fix: Error when creating a work plan in the calendar

The work plan saves and is visible in the calendar

Bug fix: Mass approval of work plans approves uncompleted plans

A plan that should not be approved is not approved  (it is skipped)

Bug fix: Saving work time

Operating Alt+A to save working time

Bug fix: Clicking on the time bar in the Manager leads to Create

Opening a detailed view of the work time in question

Bug fix: Approval of Work Plan, on detailed view, does not find plan

Normal attempt to save Work Plan

Bug fix: Sorting in the list

Appropriate sorting right of the click

Bug fix: Non-workers show up in employee list

Employee list has been updated, former employees do not appear

Bug fix: Adding inactive users by adding an organizational unit as meeting participants

Adding only employees with Active status

Bug fix: No possibility to approve the plan Sickness – care

Possibility to close the work plan with this type


Bug fix: hiding subpanels
Fixing hiding subpanels in module record

Bug fix: text in the notification window
Fixing word wrap in the notification window

Feature added: Contact column in activity subpanel
Deleting contact column

Bug fix: deleting candidate
The system allows deleting a candidate

Bug fix: generating onboarding
Fixing meeting duration time

Feature added: User name validation
Adding validation to prevent duplicate logins

Feature added: Kanban view for Canditatures module
Adding kanban view for candidatures

Feature added: Changing candidature status
Candidature status changes to „hired” after creating an employee account.
If an employee has more than one candidature record, other change to „rejected

Feature added: System version information
Adding the system version number at the bottom of the page

Feature added: Groups in the onboarding/offboarding items
Creating an item under a template now causes the item to have groups that have the template

Bug fix: multiselect in the edition of the dashlet
Fixing multiselect fields

Bug fix: error in  the onboarding module
Fixing displaying records in the onboarding module

Bug fix: My Candidates and My Candidatures dashlets
Fixing displaying My Candidates and My Candidatures dashlets

Bug fix: advanced report
Fixing generating excel file from the advanced report


Bug fix: Date of planned and the last contact

Fixing the date of planned and the last contact in the Candidates module.

Bug fix: work schedules overlap

Adding validation to prevent overlapping work schedules

Bug fix: debugger in work schedule manager’s dashlet

Deleting debugger

Restricting access for new users

The user, created from the candidacy level is now inactive

Work schedule manager – pop up

Deleting “undefined” from the title of the pop-up

Displaying work schedule manager’s dashlet

Adding pop-up to simple add changes in work schedule

Database validation

Adding data base validation to check if the user has the supported version

PHP validation

Adding PHP validation to check if the user has the supported version


Bug fix: Addition of Room in workplace area

Fixing the mechanism for adding relationships

Employees vs. Users

Structure of authorization and record handling

Field length settings

Changes to the length of the possible values in the fields.

Reactions in the module News

Ability to comment in a detailed view

News – comments on posts

Additional validations, avatar display, images in comments

MintHCM Popup – loading screen

Adding a loading screen during system operation

Change in module Workplace

Adding fields and automation

Avatar settings

Avatar to be set in the Employee card.

Allocation name

Allocation name is automatically generated

Bug fix: Room recalculation mechanism

Mechanism improvement

Bug fix: Displaying private groups

Hiding private groups in list views

Bug fix: Only my subordinates filter

Filtering in modules related to the Employee and Work schedule module

Changing of display popups

Improving the responsiveness of displayed popup

Bug fix: Changing of display dashlet

Work schedule display and calendar icon

Validation of work schedules

Verification and notification of duplication of schedule plan

Target list in Campaigns module

Generation of automatic name and change of recipient groups

Bug fix: Assignment of private groups to Onboarding/Offboarding modules

Assigning private groups to Meetings and Tasks

Bug fix: Mass confirm of work schedule

Confirm of work schedule with no gaps.

Date Last Next Contact

Reminder of last and planned contact date in the module Candidates

Change in the candidate conversion window

Ability to choose to create an employee/user

Subpanels in module Onboarding and Off boarding

Adding columns in subpanels

Module Meeting update

Remove unnecessary fields

Bug fix: Saving work schedule without logged time

Unable to confirm work schedule without time logged in

Bug fix: Top menu function icons

Icon alignment, displaying only the user’s name

Automatic closing of notifications

Closing stale notifications

Organization structure

Adding a subpanel with organization structure

Bug fix: Can’t create employee by regular users

Regular user can create employee

Icon in work schedule manager

Changing the order of icons

Improving the ergonomics of adding time in work schedule

Adding working time via popup

Availability of kanban view in Task module

Kanban available for all users

Customizing the display of tiles in the kanban view

Adding priority and deadline designations


Bug fix: Saved avatar changes only after you clear cache
Saving avatar picture without the need to clear cache

Bug fix: Lack of the top margin in ‘create’ view
The top margin has been added

Bug fix: iCal Calendar doesn’t work properly
Google now draws work plan and meetings from MintHCM

Bug fix: Lack of validation while generating onboarding
The pop-up is now visible

Bug fix: Lack of padding in pop-up windows
The padding has been added

Changes in the names of fields in ‘onboarding elements’
The names of some fields has been changed to make it more clear

Bug fix: Lack of label from the Dictionary
The label is now visible

Bug fix: ‘My subordinates’ views twice on a dashlet
It now appears only once

Bug fix: The activity date is set wrongly while generating ‘onboarding’
The date is now automatically set right

Bug fix: The date of start and end of a task on ‘calendar’ is set wrongly
The date is now automatically set right

Types of documents have been added to dictionary
Defining type of documents is now possible

Bug fix: The Sick – Care isn’t visible on the ‘calendar’
It now displays properly on the “calendar’ dashlet

Bug fix: Advanced PDF Templates lack of the ‘plus’ button
The proper button is now visible

Slight changes in help tip labels
In the localization form, the help tips have been changed

The logo size in the “questionnaire’ was too big
The size of the logo now fits well

Bug fix: In the workflow module ‘conditions’ and ‘actions’ have empty fields
The ‘add conditions’ and ‘add actions’ buttons are now visible

Bug fix: In the ‘manager of the work plan’ the fields were to tight together
The spaces have been added


Organizational structure generation
Organizational structure diagram creation.

Web push alerts – enabled
Sending web push notifications in the event of new News and system alerts.

MintHCM – SMS API integration
Integration with the SMS gateway application.

Campaigns targeted at Candidates and Employees
Campaigns based on Receivers Groups – enabled.

CRM modules and subpanels removal
Removing the CRM-related features from the system.

Bug fix: incorrect Onboarding generation
Fixed incorrect Onboarding generation due to nonstandard date formatting.

User redirection from system notifications
Redirection to the appropriate module after clicking on the notification’s window.

MintHCM information added to reload page and JotPad dashlet

Enabling emoji use in MintHCM

Bug fix: incorrect status in Candidature
Fixed misinformation about current Candidature status in different areas of the system.

Bug fix: broken User News updates

Work Schedule Manager: quick backward and forward navigation
Feature for quick one day forward and one day backward navigation in the Work Schedule Manager.

Default meeting duration set for 1 hour.

Automatic completion of the current recruitment information in the Quick Create view
The automation worked only in the Edit View before.

Bug fix: saving filters in the Employees module
Keeping filters in the Employee module until set differently – enabled.

Bug fix: Candidatures – no modification date
Date of record modification in the Candidatures module – enabled.

Commenting on News
Adding comments in detailed view of News records – enabled.

Bug fix: error during Work Schedules filtration
Work Schedules filtration by status – enabled

Bug fix: Organizational Unit subpanel duplication
Duplicated Organizational Unit subpanel – removed.

News as a system alert
Displaying News as a notification in the upper right corner of the screen.

Bug fix: calendar icon duplication
Duplicated calendar icon removed from filter options (when data format “between” is set).

Centering system popups
All system popups are now centered, regardless of screen resolution.

Bug fix: error of PDF templates in Employees module
PDF templates in Employees module generation – enabled.

Bug fix: error while saving an Organizational Unit
Organizational Unit saving – enabled.

Bug fix: empty Current Manager field in the list view
Current Manager field in the list view for Organizational Units – enabled.

Bug fix: error of the Employee to Day-Off Request relation
Employee to Day-Off Request relation – fixed.

Bug fix: error of Appraisals and Working Time management
Managing Appraisals and Working Time in the Administration module
